COMMUNITY ADVISORY: The UWI Mona's Business Operations on Friday, Sept 17, 2021

The UWI, Mona Campus
17 September, 2021

The University of the West Indies Mona Campus wishes to advise all students and members of the public that Friday, September 17, 2021 is a full business day as  such the Mona Campus will be opened for face – to – face business in keeping with the announcement made by the Government of Jamaica on Wednesday, September 15, 2021.
Members of the UWI community are being asked to continue to check their University emails and information from the Government of Jamaica for updates regarding the new island-wide arrangements.
University Bursary Cashier – Opened on Saturday, September 18
New and Returning students will have access to all services of the University remotely as well as face-to-face. Tuition and other payments can be made online at: .
The University Bursary Cashier will remain available on Saturday, September 18, 2021 from 9 am to 3 pm for individuals who wish to exercise this payment option on the weekend.
During the week, payments can be made at EDUCOM Credit Union (UWI), Jamaica National (JN), Bill Express, Paymaster and Western Union island-wide.
NCB will facilitate the following online payment options as well as in-branch payments (during the week):
1.       Bill Payment via NCB Online Banking and
2.       Ecommerce – payment via UWI website
NB: Check the NCB website and note the “cashless” branches.
For further information regarding payments, please contact the Bursary via email at: [email protected]
For faculties and other departments, please visit our website for the specific faculty/department information:
We urge you to continue to take all the necessary precautions to keep yourself and families safe at this time.
Donovan Stanberry
Campus Registrar

General Public