Clinical and Ethics experts join The UWI COVID-19 Task Force

16 April, 2020

Four new members have joined The UWI COVID-19 Task Force, bringing expertise to address the clinical aspects of the virus. They are Professor Terence Seemungal, Pulmonologist and Dean of the Faculty of Medical Sciences at The UWI St Augustine Campus; Dr Carl A. R. Bruce, Medical Chief of Staff and Consultant Neurosurgeon at the University Hospital of the West Indies and Dr Anna K. Perkins, Senior Programme Officer, Quality Assurance Unit at The UWI whose expertise is in ethics. Newly elected Guild President at The UWI Five Islands Campus, Mr. Caleb Gardiner, has also been added to the diverse response team to represent the youth and student voice.

Altogether, they comprise a regional team of 19 persons, mobilised since February by The UWI to leverage the University's knowledge and expertise to assist the Caribbean in its readiness and response to the virus outbreak. The Task Force is committed to providing clear and accurate information, sharing its research with stakeholders across the region. The members’ expertise span areas such as virology, epidemiology, laboratory diagnostics, critical care, respiratory medicine, pulmonology, health leadership, emergency medicine, veterinary medicine, mental health, public health, clinical psychology and counselling, tourism, trade, international relations, public education, youth advocacy, ethics, and communication, among other areas. 

A trusted, reliable, single source of information, the Task Force website, provides a helpful repository of shared resources from a range of partner agencies and regular updates, all relevant to the Caribbean’s response to the global COVID-19 pandemic amid a wave of misinformation and speculation. In addition, Task Force experts are available to provide commentary or media interviews. Members of the media are invited to make requests via email to [email protected].

The complete list of members of the UWI COVID-19 Task Force and their specialisations are as follows:

Professor Clive Landis, Chairman, Cardiovascular Research 

Dr Harold Watson, Emergency Medicine

Dr Carl A. R. Bruce, Neurosurgery and Health Leadership

Professor Terence Seemungal, Pulmonology

Dr Joshua Anzinger, Virology

Professor Christine Carrington, Molecular Genetics and Virology

Professor Christopher Oura, Veterinary Virology 

Professor Julie Meeks, Health Research

Professor Wendel Abel, Mental Health/Public Health 

Professor Donna-Maria Maynard, Clinical Counselling & Psychology

Dr Katija Khan, Clinical Psychology

Mrs Ceceile Minott, Counselling/Child Development/Social Development

Dr Anna K. Perkins, Ethics

Dr Don Marshall, International Relations & Economics

Dr Michelle McLeod, Hotel & Tourism Management

Mr Caleb Gardiner, Youth Advocacy

Dr Veronica Simon, Continuing Education & Public Outreach

Ms Janet Caroo, Broadcast & Public Outreach 

Dr Rhonda Jaipaul-O'Garro, Marketing & Communications

Full bios of Task Force members are available at