UWI expert tapped to participate in global research initiative to find a new model of efficient urbanization
The Urban Health and Wellbeing Program (UHWP), a new global research network, has recruited Professor Anthony Clayton, The University of the West Indies’ leading expert in foresighting and future-oriented planning, to lead on and share the lessons on urban design learned in the Caribbean.
Read moreUWI Professor elected to 'strategy arm' of American Society for Microbiology
The University of the West Indies’ (The UWI) Professor of Molecular Biology, Professor Paul Brown, was recently elected to the Council on Microbial Sciences (COMS). His term in office commenced on July 1, 2022, and will run until June 30, 2025. Prof.
Read moreUWI's Prof. Anthony Clayton gives keynote assessment to the United Nations Secretary-General's Advisory Board on Disarmament Matters
The University of the West Indies’ leading expert on national security and economic development, Professor Anthony Clayton, gave a keynote expert assessment to the United Nations Secretary-General's Advisory Board on Disarmament Matters (ABDM) at the UN Headquarters in New York - hosted from June
Read moreThe P.J. Patterson Centre for Africa-Caribbean Advocacy now designated an Institute of The UWI
At the sitting of its University Finance and General Purposes Committee (U-F&GPC) on October 27, 2021, The University of the West Indies (The UWI) ratified the Naming Committee’s decision to convert the P.J. Patterson Centre for Africa-Caribbean Advocacy into a University Institute.
UN Academic Impact features UWI Mona student's perspective
On June 18, the United Nations (UN) recognised the International Day for Countering Hate Speech for the first time.
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