The University of the West Indies (The UWI), St Augustine Campus, invites you to view and participate virtually in its 2023 Campus Council Meeting tomorrow Tuesday, March 14, 2023 at 10:00am via Zoom. At this meeting, the leadership team will present its Annual Report for the academic year 2021-2022 to the Campus Council, the governing body of The UWI St. Augustine Campus,
Themed “A New Day”, the report reflects on the opportunities and challenges faced by the campus during the COVD-19 pandemic and shows progress made in various areas including academics, digitalisation of key processes, entrepreneurship and innovation.
The team will further identify three upcoming key priority projects of focus which are in line with the regional institution’s Triple-A Strategic Plan phase two: “Converting Reputation to Revenue”. The projects will focus on boosting international student recruitment, rejuvenating the cocoa sector, and developing alumni activity. These largescale projects are broadened by other entrepreneurial initiatives at the departmental level which will position the Campus for continued growth and greater self-sufficiency.
The Campus Council meets annually, largely to receive detailed reports from officers and committees, which have responsibilities that derive from the Charter statements and other instruments such as academic and curriculum updates; changing statistics on students with regards to enrolment; staffing issues and strategic initiatives that have been undertaken. This council meeting will be the first to be held since Professor Rose-Marie Belle Antoine became Pro Vice-Chancellor and Campus Principal of The UWI St. Augustine Campus in August 2022.
We look forward to seeing you there as we seize the possibilities of ‘A New Day.’
Media are cordially invited to join The UWI St. Augustine 2023 Campus Council Meeting virtually and are asked to follow the protocols below for the Q&A Session:
- Welcome & Opening Remarks – Ms Sharon Christopher, Council Chair, The UWI STA
- Presentations to Council – Professor Rose-Marie Belle Antoine, Pro Vice-Chancellor, and Principal, The UWI STA
- Remarks – Professor Sir Hilary Beckles, Vice-Chancellor, The UWI
- Q&A (Media will be invited to ask questions during this segment)
Protocols for media in Q&A Session:
- All media representatives will be asked to edit their profile names in Zoom to reflect their actual names and media house.
- Your contributions will only be taken during the Q&A segment, however you will have the opportunity to view the entire open session.
- All microphones will remain on mute. To ask a question, please utilise the ‘Raise Hand’ feature and wait to be recognized. When called upon please unmute your microphone to make your contribution. Questions can also be submitted via the chat feature in Zoom.
- Kindly state your name and media house when submitting questions/comments.
- A representative from the Marketing & Communications team will be in Zoom to assist as needed.
For event confirmations or assistance please email [email protected],[email protected] or call 662-2002 Ext 83995.