Dear Colleagues,
Rise in Local Covid-19 Cases
As we approach a new academic year and with recent developments considered, The UWI would like to encourage everyone to be informed and prepared regarding the rising cases of COVID-19 and other respiratory illnesses.
Reopening of the UWI Mona Campus
The University of the West Indies, Mona hopes all staff and students are safe after the passage of Hurricane Beryl.
COMMUNITY ADVISORY: The UWI Mona's Business Operations on Friday, Sept 17, 2021
The University of the West Indies Mona Campus wishes to advise all students and members of the public that Friday, September 17, 2021 is a full business day as such the Mona Campus will be opened for face – to – face business in keeping with the announcement made by the Government of Jamaica on Wednesday, September 15, 2021.
Members of the UWI community are being asked to continue to check their University emails and information from the Government of Jamaica for updates regarding the new island-wide arrangements.
Changes to The UWI Mona’s Business Operations due to No Movement Days to Curtail the Spread of COVID-19 in Jamaica
The University of the West Indies Mona Campus wishes to remind all students and members of the public that the campus will be closed for face–to–face business on the dates below in keeping with the announcement made by the Government of Jamaica that there will be no movement days to curb the latest surge in coronavirus (COVID-19) cases in Jamaica. This announcement was made on, Wednesday, September 1, 2021.
COVID-19 Vaccination Requirement for Residing in Halls of Residence
This is to advise that in order to maintain a safe living environment for our staff and students, persons wishing to reside in a hall of residence, including 138 Student Living facilities on the Mona Campus, must be fully vaccinated for COVID-19. Evidence of vaccination, with any of the approved vaccines, must be provided to the relevant Student Services & Development Manager in order to secure accommodation in the halls of residence.
Changes to The UWI Mona’s Business Operations due to No Movement Days to Curtail the Spread of COVID-19 in Jamaica
The University of the West Indies Mona Campus wishes to advise all students and members of the public that the campus will be closed for face – to – face business on the dates below. This is being done in keeping with the announcement made by the Government of Jamaica that there will be no movement days to curb the latest surge in coronavirus (COVID-19) cases in Jamaica. This announcement was made yesterday, Thursday, August 19, 2021.
Staff COVID-19 Protocols
To: All Faculty, Researchers, Administrators, Staff, and Student Employees
Over the course of the last few weeks, the spread of COVID-19 has raised questions among employees about how to keep themselves, their colleagues, and the broader community safe, healthy, and well.
This video contains important guidance about precautions individuals can take to keep themselves safe and healthy.